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First order? Unlock<\/a> free shipping now!<\/p>", "offer_2_title": "Earn Loyalty points on every order", "offer_2_content": "

Join now<\/a> and claim your $2 welcome gift<\/p>", "offer_3_title": "Love our brand? Why not collaborate?", "offer_3_content": "

Apply now<\/a> and be part of our community<\/p>", "background": "", "text_color": "", "border_color": "" } }, "feature_with_icon_pEfRrk": { "type": "feature_with_icon", "settings": { "text": "Express Shipping", "link": "", "icon": "picto-plane", "icon_width": 16, "background": "#307a07", "text_color": "#ffffff", "border_color": "" } }, "feature_with_icon_qTJnNa": { "type": "feature_with_icon", "settings": { "text": "Vetted Quality", "link": "", "icon": "picto-success", "icon_width": 16, "background": "#307a07", "text_color": "#ffffff", "border_color": "" } }, "feature_with_icon_KecgHp": { "type": "feature_with_icon", "settings": { "text": "Made in Vietnam", "link": "", "icon": "picto-pin", "icon_width": 16, "background": "#efefef", "text_color": "#6b6b6b", "border_color": "" } }, "feature_with_icon_PwQAwW": { "type": "feature_with_icon", "settings": { "text": "Classy Casual", "link": "", "icon": "picto-success", "icon_width": 16, "background": "#efefef", "text_color": "#6b6b6b", "border_color": "" } }, "feature_with_icon_6pjb7M": { "type": "feature_with_icon", "settings": { "text": "Figure Flattering", "link": "", "icon": "picto-success", "icon_width": 16, "background": "#efefef", "text_color": "#6b6b6b", "border_color": "" } }, "feature_with_icon_CTbQTp": { "type": "feature_with_icon", "settings": { "text": "Versatile", "link": "", "icon": "picto-success", "icon_width": 16, "background": "#efefef", "text_color": "#6b6b6b", "border_color": "" } }, "feature_with_icon_xDR6zU": { "type": "feature_with_icon", "settings": { "text": "Quality Comfort", "link": "", "icon": "picto-success", "icon_width": 16, "background": "#efefef", "text_color": "#6b6b6b", "border_color": "" } }, "product_variations_jA6HdB": { "type": "product_variations", "settings": { "option_name": "Also available in", "option_value_metafield": "custom.variation_value", "products": "", "selector_style": "variant_image" } }, "modal_N6MMKn": { "type": "modal", "settings": { "button_title": "Delivery Policy", "button_style": "link", "stretch_button": true, "button_background": "", "button_text_color": "", "modal_title": "Delivery Policy", "modal_content": "

At CHANELIA, we are dedicated to providing you with the best possible service.<\/p>

Shipping Fees<\/strong>: <\/p>